Today I’m brewing a Chocolate Milk Stout. Pale malt, caramel malt and three black malts (pale chocolate, chocolate and black malt). I’m using chocolate nibs (10 min boil), and will be adding lactose at the bottling. Everything else is the same as usual.
Don’t worry about the noodles, it’s not going in to the beer. Noodles t is a quick perfect meal when the oven is occupied. I got use for the rice cooker to, it will cover the boil off from the big kettle.
I think I will do like the last time, at the second fermentation pour 10 liter in one and the rest in the the second and add water so I get a lower ABV beer.
It was 26C warm in my apartment, and it rained this morning so it’s not getting cooler than that. So I wrapped the fermentation tank in wet blanket and put the fan on it. The temp meter said 20C (pretty good).
Edit 2013-06-17: I put 12 liters in first (second fermentation) tank. Estimated 7%ABV.
I put 7.5 liters plus 4.5 liters water in the second (second fermentation) tank. Estimated 4.2%ABV.
Edit 2013-06-26: Bottled the Main batch and got 31 bottles (37cl). I added 5gr Lactose per bottle.
- crushing the cacao nibs
- the five malts
- water adjustment
- the wort, such lovely colours
- the malt bed
- Hops and cacao nibs
- Isn’t this a lovely picture?
- Risecooker was useful (the noodles was the brewers lunch)
- OG 1074 – 82% brewhouse efficiency
- Got the temperature down 5-7C
- FG 1021
- 5gr Lactose per bottle
- 31 bottles (37cl)
- The label