Sorry for not blogging the last brews. Also I’ve been pretty lazy brewing the past years.
If you read this you might notice I updated the web site theme. I think I lost some features, but those was from a time when I hacked the theme to get them in. I don’t have time or interest to do this anymore so they are gone.
I realized I have too much hops and best way to use it is making a well hopped Imperial India Pale Ale. So here we go!
I’m trying a new technique and hope I get better efficiency than before. I’m emptying the Grainfather after the mash-up to a kettle, it was about 9-10L. Then added 10 L 74°C water to the malt bed. Then pour the wort back into the boiler after mash out.
Also boiling for 120 minutes to caramel the malts more. You can see the hop bill above, basically
– Columbus bitter hops
– Centennial aroma hops
– Bunch of Citra, Columbus and Centennial at boil out
I used 585g hops, too much for the Hopspider which caused some problems I had to solve.
Dry hopped after 5 days with 300g Chinook and Calypso.
Thats five C-hops.
Vol 13 Liters
OG 1077
IBU 163,8